safety before profits

WisCOSH, Inc. Contact Information...

WisCOSH is run by volunteers from within it's membership. There is a mix of union, individual, retiree, and economic/environmental/social/political activist within WisCOSH's membership, and you will find that reflected within it's leadership. And that leadership is elected solely by you it's members.

You can contact WisCOSH by phone at (414) 933-2338 in SE WI or (888) WISCOSH (888) 947-2674 statewide. You can contact WisCOSH via e-mail at wiscoshATwiscoshDOTorg by replacing the capitalized letters with the appropriate symbols. Feel free to snail mail us or stop by the WisCOSH Office and Worker Training Center at :
2625 S. Greeley St.
Suite 101
Milwaukee, WI 53207

If you are in need of further help please start with the most appropreate person listed.

To contact individual WisCOSH, Inc. Board Members.

WisCOSH Web Information...

ALL pages on this site that are originating with WisCOSH, Inc. are © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 WisCOSH, Inc. and may have originated in a printed format which may have had errors or mistakes in them. All information is believed to be true and correct at the time of printing, whether in a physical or electronic medium. Any pages having a source of WisCOSH or the National COSH may have been produced under the funding of one or more grants or donations. The pages originating from the National COSH retain their original authorship and copyrights and only the manner of display by the 'WisCOSH Web' site are copyright WisCOSH, Inc.

All pages not originating with WisCOSH, Inc. or the National COSH Network are used with permission. The originating source retains Copyright over its material. All information was correct and current when originally posted. If you know of any corrections or updates to the posted information, please contact the WisCOSH Web Site's Web Master. All questions or comments should be directed to the originating source.

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The 'WisCOSH Web' uses no tracking featres [such as 'cookies' or 'invisible images'] nor collects any personally identifiable information, with the exception of those pages you may choose to fill out such as the "Join WisCOSH" or "Guest Book" pages. WisCOSH does not compile a list of visitors nor frequency of visits of anyone coming to the 'WisCOSH Web' for any reason beyond our server logs which are reviewed for any kind of attack on this site or it's users.

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